
It's not that I despise George Bush it's actually...

that I hate those that voted for him in the 2004 Presidential election on the basis of "MORAL ISSUES". Personally, I would jump for joy if people that loved eachother could protect the financial interests of the ones they loved no matter who or what sex they were. Perhaps I'm starting this off too vaguely. I regress.

People may claim that I'm a crazy liberal Bush-hater.
Those people would only be correct by default. If W. and his cronies had any care in the world for MORALITY they wouldn't be concerned with homosexual marriage and citing the bible on the side of anti-gay folks and their desire to support a family. So we are brought to the brushed under the rug issues and questions about how much of our country's money is spent on killing those who believe in a different God than the Religious-Right of our God forsaken "United States of America".
What a question. We all think we have the answer. Terrorists, Re-establishing a solid government in a transition period for a country who just lost a tyrannical leader, Osama Bin Laden. Personally, I'm convinced that's it's all about money and oil.

Which brings me to what I'd originally planned on reporting.
FROM an L.A. Times story on YahooNews via Treehugger.com I regret to pass on
the :( story of the day, from the department of “Mr. President, leave my goddamned planet alone,” George W. has given the go-ahead to drill for oil in a rare desert grassland in New Mexico, overriding the desire of the state’s governor, who, by the way, used to be the Secretary of Energy during the Clinton administration. The new plan will allow 141 exploratory wells to be dug on 2 million acres of land. And get this: Of the 100 wells in New Mexico that have been drilled in the last CENTURY, ONLY TWO have produced oil or gas...

Plus, the state Bureau of Land Management rates the mesa’s oil production potential as low to moderate, or, as one official put it, “We’re talking about destroying the largest remaining desert grasslands in America for at best a few days worth of oil and gas. That is shortsighted.”

Groundwater, the preservation of grazing land, and wildlife are all at risk, including the habitat of the endangered Aplomado falcon (36,000 acres will be set aside for the bird), herds of pronghorn antelope, migratory songbirds and loads of Indian petroglyphs. Otero Mesa, the place to be drilled, has been found to be the largest source of untapped groundwater in New Mexico, so it’s no wonder that opponents are up in arms about the quantity to be used for oil and gas production, not to mention the poor quality of water returned after it is used, which can be contaminated with saline or petroleum byproducts.

Who calls destruction of the largest remaining grasslands in America a MORALLY SOUND decision?? I guess it's alright as long as it doesn't say anything about that in the King James New American Bible for idiots. But I'd be willing to bet that in EVERY religious book lies the core belief that preservation of the Creator's handiwork is a VERY GOOD THING.

To conclude today's heavy entry I will say this:
It's not the person, George W. Bush that I despise. But nothing will convince me that he should still have control of this country's hopes for a bright future.
When W. exits the presidency he will be the recipient of multiple pats on the back by a good number of REDNECK rightists, congratulating him on his prevention of butt-fucking homos starting families and clans of gay-queers who were, before W. laid down his hammer, threatening to take over the world. Them and Osama(still at large) and Saddam needed to be stopped.
I guess I just don't agree.


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I agree that Bush is no enviornmentalist, and I hate that about him too...but I think if you take a step back and look at the long term, if this "pilot program" for lack of a better phrase works out in Iraq, who is to say that the rest of the middle east ( and other tyranical governments ) won't take note and follow in our/Iraqs lead becoming democracies... I can only hope!!! The best presidents this nation has ever had were the most controversial and very much hated by the part of the public excluding JFK... I guess my point is that go ahead and hate him now for what you think are bad policies, and I agree with you in regards to homosexuality and the enviornment...but for this world to have peace, you must have war...There is no way to be diplomatic with dictators and tyranical governments, we must make them see that democracy leads to freedom! I do not think they could ever have democracy and freedom without our help, and yes, our help has strings attached with things like oil...it's the cost of doing business...

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    In regards to your post:

    For those who want to increase the risk of terrorism and hatred in the World, Bush is the man for you. His administration has turned America from a respected country into a selfish land that is happy with isolating itself from the rest of the World. Kerry wasn’t the genie in the bottle---he still supports the bastardly deeds of the Israeli government which is the foundation for much of the terrorism throughout the Middle East---but any new face up there besides Bush’s would have been a major first step in the right direction to get America back on track. The Bush administration with its neo-conservative hawks is just as much a part of the problem (if not worse) as the terrorists groups are. It’s really cool seeing blurbs from newscasters on TV that say, “When traveling around the World, be careful of telling people you’re an American” and being told by the US government, "When traveling abroad, try to blend in with the local community and don’t make yourself a target by wearing American clothing or patches." Wow! How much pride we have! We are not going to help things by invading countries on false accusations and putting the US stamp all over the World. Change will start when the American government gives a damn about people and not about power and money. This first has to start in America and then maybe we will actually be a country worthy to lead by example. The sad thing is these "values" are so ingrained in today’s society through fear and propaganda that it is going to take generations, if we start now, before we see a change and I don’t see this happening anytime soon. The true weapons of mass destruction, which our government seems to have overlooked, are poverty and lack of education and health care. In my mind the worst terrorists in the World are US politicians lead by Mr. Bush.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "the Israeli government which is the foundation for much of the terrorism throughout the Middle East" huh??? Isn't the Israeli government the ones putting up the huge wall so to keep terrorists out? I am confused, maybe you can shed some light. And I would argue that we are looking our for the best interest of the "people"...do you really think that the Iraqi people, who are going through great stress and loss of life right now, will not be better off living in a democracy that under Sadam or any number of people like him who were waiting to take his place! Do I think Bush lied, yes, did I vote for him, no, do I think we should have invaded Iraq...no...but since we are over there we might as well do some good. Who knows the end game of what is happening in Iraq, nobody, that was my point in my last post...the good things that come out of administrations generally are not noticed until time has passed and we can reflect...
    Also, who gives a shit if the middle east or the euros are pissed at us, it is not, nor should it ever be US policy to appease other countries for sake of avoiding conflict... The world cannot become a better place if changes are not made in countries like Iraq... who is going to make those changes, the euros, let me ask it a another way, who better to make those changes than the US?

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "the Israeli government which is the foundation for much of the terrorism throughout the Middle East" huh??? Isn't the Israeli government the ones putting up the huge wall so to keep terrorists out? I am confused, maybe you can shed some light. And I would argue that we are looking out for the best interest of the "people"...do you really think that the Iraqi people, who are going through great stress and loss of life right now, will not be better off living in a democracy than under Sadaam or any number of people like him who would have been waiting to take his place! Do I think Bush lied, yes, did I vote for him, no, do I think we should have invaded Iraq...no...but since we are over there we might as well do some good. Who knows the end game of what is happening in Iraq, nobody, that was my point in my last post...the good things that come out of administrations generally are not noticed until time has passed and we can reflect...
    Also, who gives a shit if the middle east or the euros are pissed at us, it is not, nor should it ever be US policy to appease other countries for sake of avoiding conflict... The world cannot become a better place if changes are not made in countries like Iraq... who is going to make those changes, the euros, let me ask it a another way, who better to make those changes than the US?
